We are in the business of Upgrading Democracy

Majoritas is a globally engaged company offering a unique mix of technology, services and training perfectly suited for digital campaigning. 

We pride ourselves in working for politicians and political parties, local, national or international NGOs and civic movements, and for business organizations that want to set up the public agenda.

Any campaign needs strong online presence if it wants to be successful. Why not augment it with powerful technologies that will see your chances of winning exponentially increase?

The Majoritas Way

The integrated set of services and tools for successful campaigning.

We have created an innovate ecosystem empowered by technology, knowledge and creativity with the aim to maximize the political or civic actor’s potential through data analysis, online polling, strategy, communications, organization & mobilization

Services. Tech & Data. Education

We believe that democracy is upgraded through citizens’ participation in the political and civic process.

This is precisely why we strive to make politics, policymaking and agenda-setting meaningful to every citizen and to promote their active engagement through our services, tech & data systems, and educational tools. In the digital world, every voice matters. And every voice deserves to be heard.


Our services empower organisations and leaders to achieve their campaign goals and make data-driven strategic decisions.

Learn more about our services


Our Tech&Data systems enhance organisations’ performances and upgrade any campaign to the digital era.

Learn more about our products


Our educational tools help leaders and organizations to navigate the digital world and to enhance digital democracy.

Learn more about our trainings

Global Experience

We work in a culture of continuous learning and innovation, driven by our experience in running campaigns in more than 40 countries since 2008.
We upgraded democracy in:


The Sum Of Many Ones

​We dedicate our skills, technology and expertise to the many “ones” who choose, support and fight on the right side of democracy.

Our mission is to multiply and empower the many “ones” by identifying and supporting true leaders. Through our work, we bring citizens, politicians and policy-makers closer together in an honest relationship that upgrades democracy.

One company, one team, one voice. Diverse people under the same values, different styles following the same goals, with coherent flexibility.


More about The Skills

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